picamera — Picamera 1.8 documentation
This package provides a pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi camera module for Python 2.7 (or above) or Python 3.2 (or above).
A collection of links, tips, tricks and articles about Raspberry Pi.
picamera — Picamera 1.8 documentation
This package provides a pure Python interface to the Raspberry Pi camera module for Python 2.7 (or above) or Python 3.2 (or above).
From the site:
#The Purpose:
I have been looking for a good guide to build a TimelapseRPi that runs on battery and with a safe way to shut down the Pi after ‘photo session’.
I found out pretty early that just pulling battery plug from Pi when done capturing pics can very effectively brick the USBkey I’m using for storage. In order to mend this I added a Tactile button that, when pressed, initiate a clean ‘shutdown’ on my Raspberry Pi.
Pi MusicBox – A Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Music player for the Raspberry Pi, with remote control
Connect Spotify, Google Music and SoundCloud to your audio set or speakers using the Raspberry Pi and control it from your couch! An easy to use SD-image for the Pi. AirPlay and webradio included!
– See more at: http://pimusicbox.com/#sthash.gXF47Ixo.dpuf
Simple hack turns RaspPi into an FM transmitter with a 100 meter range. Broadcast your favorite music throughout your house, dorm, or football field.
Being a guy while visiting a shopping city with your girlfriend may cause your mind to drift away while walking thru Macy’s. Or at least, this happened to me while i was visiting New York last january.
Long story short: while wandering around I noticed a mirror with an illuminated sing on it. This is something i could built myself. Only better. I wanted my own Magic Mirror!
Because it is available via PPA, installing gThumb 3.2.3 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS and Pear OS is easy. All you have to do is add the ppa to the system, update the local repository index and install the gthumb package. Like this:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gthumb
– View, stop and restart a live-preview with low latency and high framerate
– Control camera settings like brightness, contrast, … live
– Record full-hd videos and save them on the sd-card packed into mp4 container while the live-preview continues
– Take full-res pictures and save them on the sd-card (live-preview holds on for a short moment)
– Preview, download and delete the saved videos and pictures
– NEW: Trigger video records by motion detection