MotionEyeOS is a Linux distribution that turns a single-board computer into a video surveillance system.
Raspberry Pi as low-cost HD surveillance camera – CodeProject
Raspberry Pi as low-cost HD surveillance camera – CodeProject
Build a low-cost HD video surveillance cam with worldwide access from any browser.
Real-time webcam streaming tutorial
Real-time webcam streaming tutorial
By researching over the internet I found a way to stream a live webcam mjpeg stream with minimal delay (<1s). It could be useful for anybody who wants to use it on a rc car or robot in first person view where high latencies are not an option.
PiEye – streaming webcam in JPG format with Raspberry Pi I
PiEye – streaming webcam in JPG format with Raspberry Pi I
With a cheap web camera that connects to the USB video streaming can be done in just a few easy steps, with a Raspberry PI . Simplitatea solutiei provine de la tehnologiile folosite pentru streaming-ul efectiv. The simplicity of the solution comes from the streaming technology used effectively. Totul se intampla peste HTTP , un protocol omniprezent si extrem de accesibil in zilele noastre. Everything happens over HTTP protocol ubiquitous and extremely affordable nowadays.
Homemade photo frame
His homemade photo frame get live webcam pictures all around the world. And hi can also email photos to the frame from his phone.
What is shown in the film are as follows:
His energy consumption, radar of thunderstorms over parts of Sweden, local weather tableau from, live cam from the front of the house, live from the local village, two pictures live from San Francisco and live from Grants Pass downtown.
Hi also presents outside and inside temperatur and local time as you can se in the left lower corner.